DIY Ways to Insulate Your Windows

DIY Shutters 15/11/2022 12:00:00 PM

DIY Window Insulation Ideas

We’re sure you’re tired of the words ‘energy crisis’. We certainly are. It seems not an hour goes by without that phrase rearing its ugly head. And while we’re loath to bring it up, it’s simply unavoidable. Indeed, the issue shows no signs of abating (as of Nov 2022), so cutting back on your energy bills are more important than ever.

A typical house loses anywhere between 10 and 20% of its heat through the windows. This makes window insulation one of the most impactful ways you can help cut back on your energy expenditure. But how to do this? Well, that’s why you’re reading this blog – to find out. So let’s get right into it.

Use Window Insulation Film

One of the most cost-effective DIY ways to insulate windows, adding insulation film is a tried and tested method that actually works. Not only is insulation film incredibly cheap, it’s also super easy to install. All you need is a measuring tape, double-sided sellotape, a spoon and some scissors. While this won’t solve all your winter-related woes, it will certainly have an impact. However, if should be noted that insulation film is less effective on windows which are particularly airy.

Consider Draft Excluders

As mentioned above, if your windows are partial to drafts, insulation can be a bit trickier. Placing draft excluders around the frames can mitigate some of this, helping your room stay warmer for longer. This is another very-budget friendly form of home insultation. Plus, fitting them takes just a few minutes. Simple!


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Re-Caulk Your Windows

A lot of windows – especially older windows – lose much of their heat because of damaged caulk, or a complete absence thereof. Many window insulation issues can be solved by simply replacing old dried out and chipped caulk. All you need is a tube of caulk (you may even have an old one sitting around), a Stanley knife, and hey presto. All done.

Insulating Shutters

Did you know that DIY shutters are one of the best ways to protect your windows from the cold? It’s true. Plantation shutters are made-to-measure to the exact specifications of your window. This promises a perfect fit, but has other benefits too.

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Shutters are always fitted flush to your window, which in turns helps to prevent drafts. It also means that a minimal amount of heat escapes through them. This is especially true when the movable slats are completely closed.

But That’s Not All...

Shutters look great, you know this. And they’re good insulators too, as we’ve just covered. But there are lots of other pros to getting your own set. They grant extra privacy, they help with soundproofing, and they’ll even add extra value to your home. And don’t forget, not only do they help to keep you warmer in the winter, but they’ll also keep the home cool in the summer too. What’s not to love?

If you’re interested in purchasing your own thermal shutters, then please get in touch today. Send an email to [email protected] and one of our friendly team will be in touch ASAP. We look forward to hearing from you.
